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Resources: women and environment
Down to Earth No 63 November 2004
- Amnesty International's violence against women campaign www.amnesty.org.uk/svaw/vaw/
- International Women and Mining Network iwam.net/
- IWBN: Indigenous Women's Biodiversity Network. Contains background information, strategies and declarations. www.nciv.net/spaans/iwbn/IWBN.htm
- Tebtebba: the Philippine based Indigenous Peoples International Centre for Policy Research and Education. Contains links to various statements and declarations made by indigenous peoples about natural resources as well as gender. www.tebtebba.org
- IGNARM: Network on Indigenous peoples, Gender and Natural Resource Management, shares, explores and strengthens the participating organisations' experiences and knowledge within the field emerging at the intersection between indigenous peoples, gender and natural resource management. The network is formed by five Danish organizations WWF-Denmark, IWGIA, KULU-Women and Development, Nepenthes and DIIS. www.cdr.dk/IGNARM/
- Women's Environment and Development Organization www.wedo.org/
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom www.wilpf.org
Some Indonesian women's organisations:
- Kalyanamitra, founded1985 with goal to build a movement against all forms of abuse against women. www.kalyanamitra.or.id/
- KaPal Perempuan KaPal Perempuan kapalperempuan@indo.net.id
- KPI - Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan dan Demokrasi (Indonesian Women's Coalition for Justice and Democracy) go.to/koalisip
- APIK - Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan (the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice), fights for gender justice. www.lbh-apik.or.id
- Solidaritas Perempuan - Women's Solidarity for Human Rights soliper@centrin.net.id
- Komnas Perempuan - National Coalition Against Violence to Women wati@komnasperempuan.or.id