


Women's stories as told during climate talks in Bangkok 2009

Down to Earth No.79, November 2008

The third global congress of Women in Politics and Governance took place in Manila in the Philippines from 19 - 22nd October 2008. Its theme was 'Gender in Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction'. DTE was able to take part, thanks to a grant from CAFOD. This article summarises the key issues.

Climate change is part of a chain reaction of damage to natural resources and the environment.

Down to Earth No 66  August 2005

Indigenous peoples' organisations are raising awareness of the negative impacts of large-scale plantations among their communities in West Kalimantan - a move that challenges powerful government and business interests.

A March meeting of indigenous communities from West Kalimantan discussed the downside of the provincial government's plan for a massive expansion in oil palm plantations.

Down to Earth No 65  May 2005

Status of the project

The 'final investment decision' to proceed with Tangguh came on March 7th, after many delays. The construction phase of the US$5 billion project is now expected to start in late 2005. Tangguh will be operational in 2008, with two full gas production units or 'trains' (Reuters7/Mar/05, TIAP 2004).

Down to Earth No 65  May 2005

Indonesian government attempt to block West Papua solidarity meeting

Representatives from Asian countries including Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, East Timor, Burma, Sri Lanka and the Philippines joined others from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Ireland for an international solidarity meeting on West Papua in April/May.

Down to Earth No 63  November 2004
