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DTE publications

Down to Earth No. 73, May 2007

The Indonesian parliament passed a new investment law in March, despite strong civil society opposition and despite much concern over its implications.

Down to Earth No. 72 March 2007

The Toka Tindung gold mine project is now in doubt after strong opposition to Meares Soputan Mining's plans to build an open pit gold mine in a sensitive coastal area and dump mine waste into Rinondoran Bay.

A major blow came when an environmental hearing in August 2006 forced the company to alter its plans to instead use the more expensive option of disposal of tailings on land.

Down to Earth No. 72 March 2007

NGOs are campaigning against the adoption by the European Union of mandatory biofuel targets, a move that will prompt the further expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, more appropriation of indigenous lands, more forest loss, and, ironically, higher carbon emissions.

Hundreds of NGOs worldwide, and thousands of individuals have called on European Union (EU) politicians to say 'no' to biofuel targets when they decide on the issue in early March.

Down to Earth No. 71, November 2006

Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold, operator of the Freeport-Rio Tinto gold and copper mine in West Papua, has been dropped from the US$240 billion Norwegian government pension fund for ethical reasons.

Down to Earth No. 71, November 2006

Plans have been shelved to use palm oil in a UK power station after campaigners highlighted the negative consequences for local communities, forests and wildlife.

Down to Earth No. 71, November 2006

As Indonesia's first 'stand alone' wood chip mill neared completion on Pulau Laut, campaigners from Down to Earth and WALHI South Kalimantan went to Europe to lobby companies who are supporting this unsustainable venture.

Down to Earth 70, August 2006

Plans for a new gold mine on the northern tip of North Sulawesi are going ahead in the face of determined opposition from local communities.