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Down to Earth works with partners in Indonesia and internationally to promote climate justice and sustainable livelihoods in Indonesia.
We act as a two-way information bridge between Indonesia and Europe for research and analysis, advocacy and capacity-building. Read more >
Rather than rethink the whole approach to forest management, the government appears to be determined to continue with attempts to "reforest" degraded areas by continuing with the much-criticised programme of industrial timber estate (HTI) development launched during the Suharto era.
May 14, 2001
A new NGO report has drawn attention to the role of export credit lending agencies in pulp and paper mills and other projects in Indonesia, which have led to increased deforestation and abuse of people's rights.
May 14, 2001
The Wahid government is making last-minute efforts to comply with demands for forest reform agreed last year with its international creditors.
May 14, 2001
A large proportion of Indonesia's farmers - especially outside Java - are organic farmers simply because they were not targeted or did not participate in the "green revolution" and are continuing traditional methods of farming.
May 14, 2001
tech companies have formed powerful alliances with multilateral development banks, UN agencies, Northern governments, research institutes, large funding organisations and 'independent' agencies to promote biotech agriculture and GM seeds in developing countries.
May 14, 2001
Indonesia has permitted the planting of genetically modified crops without public consultation and without adequate legal protection for farmers, consumers and the environment.
May 14, 2001
The government's plan to expand oil palm plantations could founder because it fails to address the underlying question of community rights to farmland and forests.
May 14, 2001
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