Down to Earth works with partners in Indonesia and internationally to promote climate justice and sustainable livelihoods in Indonesia.

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Although only 20 of the 208 Congress delegates were women, this small contingent made a much greater impact than these numbers suggest.
October 14, 1999
The Indigenous Peoples' Congress was held only a few weeks after one hundred West Papuan representatives came to Jakarta as part of a long-awaited 'National Dialogue' to discuss the future of their homeland.
October 14, 1999
Through the Congress and subsequent events, indigenous peoples have presented their demands to government officials, political parties and the National Human Rights Commission.
October 14, 1999
As over 200 participants of the first Indigenous People's Congress in Indonesia prepared to leave Jakarta, they were asked to express their thoughts on the event.
October 14, 1999
The 1999 Congress was the result of a three year period of planning and organising involving indigenous peoples' groups and local and national NGOs which had supported indigenous communities' fight for their rights over a number of years.
October 14, 1999
Logistically and tactically, the Indigenous Peoples' Congress was a tremendous achievement.....
October 14, 1999