Press releases & position papers

Indonesian and International Civil Society Statement on MIFEE policy

September 2013

The attached statement, translated by DTE, was distributed in Geneva at an International Consultation on Papua.


September 9th, 2013

Ahead of this week’s crucial vote on agrofuels by MEPs, new research released by Friends of the Earth Europe shows how EU policies are triggering far higher imports of palm oil than previously thought.

Forest Peoples Programme, Pusaka, Sawit Watch, Down to Earth

Press Information, September 2nd, 2013

A PDF version is attached at the end of this page

Press Release by London Mining Network and War on Want, 25th October 2012

Poor ‘hit by mines giant’ press £2,000-a-day peer

Plea to former UK international development minister

London Mining Network, in consultation with JATAM (the Indonesian mining advocacy network) has developed the following Draft Declaration on Coal Mining. Many organisations have rightly drawn attention to coal’s contribution to destructive climate change.

Press Release, Civil Society forum (CSF) for Climate Justice

Jakarta- Indonesia, March 23st, 2011.

Indonesia’s parliament has noted that during 2008 to 2010 the Government’s climate change debt to Japan, France and the World Bank for climate change-related loans amounted to USD 1.907 billion. Yet the public do not know what these funds are being used for. Meanwhile, fisherfolk, farmers and fi

DOWN TO EARTH 6 November 2001

As an international NGO which focuses on the social and human aspects of environmental issues in Indonesia, Down to Earth supports the call by Indonesian civil society groups that the CGI should adopt stronger measures to stop the destruction of Indonesia's forests and the livelihoods of the tens of millions of people who depend on them. Their demands include: