


DTE Briefing, 22nd February, 2013

Shareholders from Down to Earth, London Mining Network and War on Want attended Bumi plc's meeting in London yesterday to question the company about the devastating impacts of its coal-mining operations in Kalimantan.

DTE Press Release
London, February 21, 2013

Whoever is in charge needs to be accountable for impacts on communities in Kalimantan, say CSOs.

The following is extracted from 'Killing me softly with his song: inside another BHP Billiton AGM', October 25, 2012. Reflection by Richard Solly, Co-ordinator, London Mining Network.

Andrew Hickman of Down to Earth spoke of the destructiveness of the company’s coal project in Kalimantan, Indonesia. He was told that the company was still studying possibilities and would not go ahead with any major project during the coming year...

Press Release by London Mining Network and War on Want, 25th October 2012

Poor ‘hit by mines giant’ press £2,000-a-day peer

Plea to former UK international development minister

Press release by War on Want, London Mining Network and Down to Earth, October 16, 2012

Press release:  Down to Earth, London Mining Network and War on Want
2 October 2012.

The announcement[1] of new Financial Services Authority (FSA) rules on reverse takeovers[2] and other regulatory 'blind spots' is yet another case of too little too late.

On 15th June DTE joined a celebration of people who have tried to stand up to mining and extractive industries in their countries, many of them losing their lives or livelihoods in doing so.