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DTE publications

Down to Earth No 58  August 2003

Shrimp exports from developing countries - including Indonesia - are bringing foreign exchange earnings to exporter governments and profits to entrepreneurs. But the real price is being paid by communities whose coastal resources are wrecked both by commercial shrimp farms and shrimp trawling.

Forestry Minister Prakosa warned in May this year against the total destruction of mangrove forests in Indonesia. He said that strong determination and commitment was required to prevent further damage.

Down to Earth No 57  May 2003

A study by Indonesian and international experts has highlighted the marginalised position of indigenous peoples in Indonesia. The study reveals how, despite post-Suharto reforms, indigenous land and resource rights continue to be violated by logging and plantation companies.

Down to Earth No 57  May 2003

Indigenous Peoples walked out of a meeting with the British government aid agency, DFID, in March, in response to a controversial statement by a senior Indonesian government forestry official.

Around a hundred people from indigenous groups, local communities and supporting organisations refused to continue DFID's second annual Multi-stakeholder Forestry Programme meeting in Yogyakarta following comments by the Indonesian forestry ministry's secretary general.

Down to Earth No 57  May 2003

The next Annual Meeting of Indonesia's Peoples' Consultative Assembly (MPR) - Indonesia's highest legislative body - will be held in August 2003. One important item on the agenda is to the evaluation of the outstanding MPR Decrees (TAP MPR), including Decree No. IX/MPR/2001 on Agrarian Renewal and Natural Resources. The session will decide which decrees will move forward through the legal process to become laws and which ones must be cancelled.

The possible revocation of the MPR's Decree No.

Down to Earth No 56  February 2003

As Indonesia's forest crisis deepens, the environmental campaigning organisation, WALHI, has made a strong appeal to international donors to support a moratorium on industrial logging across Indonesia.

WALHI launched an attack on corrupt politicians and their cronies responsible for the worsening deforestation in Indonesia.

Down to Earth No 56  February 2003

A new study by Indonesian and international forest experts throws doubt on the legality of most of Indonesia's 'legal' forest concessions. A discussion document prepared for a January 2003 dialogue on the application of two of the Forest Stewardship Council's principles in Indonesia, included a detailed review of Forestry Department records in the Planologi section.

Down to Earth No 56  February 2003

With major new oil and gas developments planned for Sulawesi, there is growing concern about the likely impacts on local livelihoods, forests, rare wildlife and the fragile marine ecosystem.

Central Sulawesi is being billed as Indonesia's next big gas producer by Indonesian companies with exploration projects in the province. Indonesia's state-owned oil and gas company, Pertamina, and Exspan Tomori Sulawesi - a subsidiary of Medco (see box) - say the province has huge potential for natural gas exploitation.