Politics & democracy

Down to Earth No. 42, August 1999

Down to Earth No. 42, August 1999

Almost all of the 48 parties which contested Indonesia's June elections have failed to show the commitment to community rights and the environment that is needed for the sound management of the country's natural resources.

Down to Earth No. 42, August 1999

East Timor's forests and agricultural lands have suffered extensive damage during the Indonesian occupation. Restoring the environment and setting the country on a development path that is economically viable, socially just and environmentally sustainable will be one of the many formidable challenges facing the government of an independent East Timor.

Down to Earth No. 41 May 1999

Two meetings of peasant farmers' organisations this year have come up with important messages for the current and future governments of Indonesia concerning land and resource rights.

The United Federation of Indonesian Farmers (FSPI), founded in July last year, held its first congress in February.

Down to Earth No. 41, May 1999

Farmers, workers, indigenous peoples, fisherfolk, NGOs, students and academics are coming together to formulate people-centred, environmentally sound development strategies to replace the obsolete, bankrupt and abusive money-centred practices of the Suharto era.

Down to Earth No 40, February 1999

Indonesia's farmers are organising to challenge the powerful business conglomerates and the unequal distribution of agricultural land.

The fall of Suharto, the economic crisis and a desperate need to grow food have intensified the battle for farmland now being fought in many parts of Indonesia.

Down to Earth No 40, February 1999

A number of factors are forcing the pace of reforms in forestry policy in Indonesia: many logging concessions have expired or will do so soon; the devastating 1997/8 forest fires; the corruption revealed in the aftermath of Suharto's resignation; the pressure for increased revenues from the forestry and plantation sectors from the economic crisis; loan conditions imposed by international donors; the ITTO's goal of sustainable logging by 20