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DTE publications

Down to Earth 83, December 2009

While crucial climate talks proceed at international level, how are the lives of local communities being affected by climate change? In November, Indonesia's Civil Society Forum for Climate Justice held two Climate Hearings in Jakarta to try and present some answers to this question. The following is adapted from DTE's translation of a new CSF report 'From Krui to Timor - how farmers and fishing communities are facing climate change'.

Down to Earth No.83, December 2009

The following is an abridged translation of an Indonesian-language article by M. Riza Damanik and Abdul Halim.1

Down to Earth No.83, December 2009

In August, Indonesia's National Climate Change Council (DNPI) announced the results of a draft study which includes a series of projections for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and compares these with 'business as usual' scenarios.

Down to Earth No.83, December 2009

By Chris Lang.1

Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono likes to make promises. Particularly at international meetings.

Down to Earth No.83, December 2009

Despite urgent calls for action from civil society, climate scientists and governments of some of the most vulnerable countries, the pace of progress towards a new international climate deal has been frustratingly slow.

Down to Earth No.82, September 2009

As Indonesia pushes ahead with plans for REDD, the World Bank and others are making ill-prepared agreements on funding projects in Indonesia.

Down to Earth No.82, September 2009

A DTE interview with Giorgio Budi Indrarto, Coordinator of Indonesia's Civil Society Forum for Climate Justice.