Mining, oil & gas

Down to Earth No. 45, May 2000

Opposition is mounting to large-scale mining in Indonesia as communities speak out about its effects on their lives and the environment, but foreign companies are warning the Wahid government not to change the contracts they signed during the Suharto regime.

Indonesia's foreign-dominated mining industry is on the defensive.

Down to Earth No. 45, May 2000

Environmental NGOs JATAM and WALHI have exposed the long-running problems of pollution near the site of US-based Unocal's oil and gas terminal.

On February 11th heavy rains caused a spillage from the company's waste facility at Tanjungsantan on the East Kalimantan coast.

Down to Earth No 45 May 2000

NGOs protest US meddling

Indonesian NGOs have protested against pressure by the US Embassy in Jakarta to cut the funding of JATAM, the mining advocacy network. A joint statement defends JATAM's call for a moratorium on mining and supports the organisation's advocacy work on Newmont, the US-based company operating the Ratatotok gold mine in North Sulawesi).

Down to Earth No. 44, February 2000

Companies are hinting they may withhold further investment if conditions don't improve.

Mining companies with mines or exploration programmes in Indonesia are claiming that illegal mining and the collapse of law and order is threatening the mining industry there.

Down to Earth No. 44, February 2000

It is no coincidence that JATAM's November meeting was held at the northern tip of Sulawesi.

Down to Earth No. 44, February 2000

Indonesian communities and NGOs have called for a moratorium on large-scale mining in Indonesia

The Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM) - an association of community organisations and NGOs - issued a call for an immediate stop to all mining activities in Indonesia at a November workshop in Tomohon, North Sulawesi.

Down to Earth No. 44, February 2000

Companies which have profited from Indonesia's iron-fisted rule in West Papua, may be starting to feel jittery as calls for independence grow more insistent.

On December 1st last year celebrations took place in towns all over West Papua to mark the 38th anniversary of independence, declared when the territory was still under Dutch rule.