Human rights

Press Release by London Mining Network and War on Want, 25th October 2012

Poor ‘hit by mines giant’ press £2,000-a-day peer

Plea to former UK international development minister

DTE briefing in advance of the visit of President SBY to UK, October-November 2012

For the full briefing pack with contributions from DTE and other civil society organisations, click here.

Policies aimed at promoting economic growth in Indonesia are leading to more and more of the country’s land and resources being taken over by large businesses. The process is further marginalizing Indonesia’s indigenous peoples and local communities.

Civil society groups question UK-Indonesia ties

Briefing by NGO Forum for Indonesia and Timor-Leste
18 October 2012

Fourteen years ago, the downfall of President Suharto in 1998 set Indonesia on a course of reform and democratic transition that has impressively transformed the country from a harshly repressive
dictatorship to a chaotic yet functional democracy.

But many problems remain. The country’s overall record on human rights, the rule of law and religious freedoms, still falls far short of accepted international standards.

DTE Letter to European Commission, 16th October 2012


Dear President Barroso,

Down to Earth (DTE) works with partners internationally to promote climate justice and sustainable livelihoods in Indonesia. We are deeply concerned to learn that the Commission’s potentially good amendments to flawed EU agrofuels policy could be weakened due to pressure from the industrial lobby. 

Press release by War on Want, London Mining Network and Down to Earth, October 16, 2012

DTE's new Indonesian-language book, Keadilan Iklim dan Penghidupan yang Berkelanjutan Jilid II (Climate Justice and Sustainable Livelihoods 2nd Edition) is updated from the 2009 book.

It consists of DTE newsletter articles on the themes of climate justice, climate change developments in Indonesia, energy and renewable energy; and sustainable livelihoods. 

To view the PDF version, click here.

To request a hard copy, please contact

On 15th June DTE joined a celebration of people who have tried to stand up to mining and extractive industries in their countries, many of them losing their lives or livelihoods in doing so.