


How oil palm produced in Indonesia ends up in Europe’s transport and electricity systems

DTE 96-97, December 2013

DTE 95, March 2013

Communities have criticised the lack of transparency and unfulfilled promises at the giant Tangguh gas installation operated by UK-based energy multinational BP in Papua Barat.

DTE 95, March 2013

(This article is a combination of a press release and briefing, both published previously on this site in February 2013).

DTE 93-94, December 2012

Last year DTE reported on the global land-grab phenomenon and its connection to the 2008 financial crisis, the global food price spike of 2007/2008 as well as the ongoing climate change & energy crisis.[1] Since then, more analysis of data on land deals has become available which fills in some of the detail in the picture. In this update, we take another look at the global rush for land with a focus on investors and their obligations to the people affected by land-grabbing.

DTE 93-94, December 2012

Agrofuels are often promoted by the agrofuels industry, investors and government officials as a means of providing livelihoods for rural communities, but how does this square with the fact that agrofuels are part of the landgrabbing problem in countries like Indonesia?

Down to Earth 87, December 2010

For many years, DTE has been working with JATAM, the Indonesian Mining Advocacy Network on a variety of mining campaigns in Indonesia.

Following the launch of JATAM's 'Deadly Coal' campaign earlier this year,  DTE and JATAM decided to bring the campaign directly to the UK and Europe.

Down to Earth 87, December 2010

An Indonesian activist perspective on renewable energy, following a visit to a community wind project in Belgium.
By Siti Maimunah & Kahar Al Bahri - JATAM