
DTE works to supports human rights and ecological justice in Papua. This involves information, advocacy and capacity-building support work with partners to help local communities build sustainable livelihoods, in a deeply challenging context of global climate change, top-down investment policies and projects, a high level of militarisation and violence linked to the suppression of political dissent. [more]

Request for Further Consideration of the Situation of the Indigenous Peoples of Merauke, Papua Province, Indonesia, under the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’s Urgent Action
and Early Warning Procedures

Submitted July 25th 2013 by 27 Indonesian and international organisations including Forest Peoples Programme, Pusaka, Sawit Watch and Down to Earth.


DTE briefing in advance of the visit of President SBY to UK, October-November 2012

For the full briefing pack with contributions from DTE and other civil society organisations, click here.

Policies aimed at promoting economic growth in Indonesia are leading to more and more of the country’s land and resources being taken over by large businesses. The process is further marginalizing Indonesia’s indigenous peoples and local communities.