
DTE's main publication is its quarterly newsletter. We also produce a range of other publications - from books to one-sheet updates.


DTE 99-100, October 2014

Gender is a complex variable that is a part of social, cultural, economic and political contexts. It is also relevant for the work of civil society movements.

DTE 99-100, October 2014

This was the message to the candidates taking part in this year’s Presidential elections, issued by Solidaritas Perempuan (Women’s Solidarity for Human Rights) in its Earth Day press release, 22nd April 2014.

Translated by DTE.

DTE 99-100, October 2014

A view from Suskun Village, Papua.

By Yuliana Langowuyo, director of SKPKC Fransiskan Papua, who has been visiting the community in Susun Village at least once a month since 2011 to carry out research and provide assistance.

DTE 99-100, October 2014

An interview with Helena Trie, Communication Staff, Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS) the Oil Palm Smallholders Union.[1]

DTE 99-100, October 2014

This article is drawn from a substantial two-part essay by Siti Maimunah, of the Women and Mining Working Team (TKPT), and Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM). It was published in Etnohistori in May 2014.[1]

DTE 99-100, October 2014

By Mia Siscawati[1]

This article was prepared for the National Commission for Human Rights as part of its 2014 National Inquiry into the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to their Territories in the Forest Zone.[2] DTE’s translation was done with kind permission of the author, and with her assistance.